Brake Trivia
- How the brakes works
- Handling of brake pads
- Troubleshooting/Q&A
- How to produce brake pads
- Comparison with other companies’ product
Comparison with other companies’ product
Comparison of Brake pad squeal rate Noise dynamo test
Squeal rate (%)
- Squeal frequency data from the squeal noise matrix test with a roller noise dynamo.
- Test results without shims which can stop squealing and grease.
Comparison of brake pad effectiveness Dynamo efficacy test
Effectiveness (coefficient of friction)
- Friction coefficient (@ 100km / h 0.6G) according to the dynamo efficacy test JASO C406.
Comparison of Brake pad wear intensity Dynamo wear test
Proportion when the life of our products for passenger car is 100
- Converted from pad wear data by dynamo wear test JASO C427 (SAE J2707 MethodA ).
- Proportion of expected life when our product is 100.

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